        gone fishin'

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In programming, we use functions to run sequentially through statements declared by us, the developers.
A program can be described as nothing more than a lot of functions being executed, creating a loop.
These Functions do all of your Business Logic, in a Game they could handle your Health, Ammo, Mana, Entitiy Spawn Conditions, basically anything.
The Algorithms and Math inside these Functions decides how much Damage you take, how much an Item costs, how many Enemies Spawn where, when and how.
But what if we could manipulate them? There are a lot of hacking options you could use for this, but in this entry we will look at Function Hooking

>>So what are Hooks?<<
Hooks are, by definition, internal hacks (except if you use a disassembler during runtime, which is, of course, external). You manipulate a game function to call a function that you have written yourself, and afterwards return to the normal program flow. This means they run inside the Process you want to Hack, because you are HOOKING an original program function. To make this easier, here is a Visualisation on how this looks.
┌───────────────┐ │ source_code.c │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │#include <stdio.h> │ │int calcHealth(curHealth, int dmg){ │ │ newHealth = curHealth - dmg; │ │ return newHealth; │ │} │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Above you can see some really simple example code, don't read too much into it, This is just so we can grasp the concept easier. This code is getting called everytime an Entity in our fictional Game takes damage, it takes a int Value and subtracts it from the Entities Health. So what if we wanted to make Entities take a TON more damage? This is where Hooking comes in. Let's Hook this Function to execute our OWN Code.
┌───────────────┐ │ source_code.c │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │#include <stdio.h> │ │int calcHealth(curHealth, int dmg){ │ │ newHealth = funcHook(curHealth); │ │ return newHealth; │ │} │ │ │ │int funcHook(int health){ │ │ health = 0; │ │ return health; │ │} │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
We injected our Hook into the Original game function, which now always executes our own Code which sets the HP of the Entitiy hit to 0, resulting in an one-shot Kill, nice! Of course, this is a really really simplified overview on how Hooking works, and the question that is probably in your head is "how the hell do i even get my Function INTO the Game?"

>>The Windows API<<
That question has different answers, but I just want to Highlight the one that works for any game, nay, program that is running on an Windows NT Kernel, the Windows API. To be more specific, the windows API is a well documented piece of code, and the Kernel itself is written C.
So, if you know your way around in C or C++, the Sky is pretty much the damn limit. First you get a Handle (a fancy way of saying "the window the process is runing in"), with FindWindow, then you can use that Handle to get that Process ID with GetWindowThreadProcessID

. Now you just need to full access to that specific process, which you can do with the process ID and OpenProcess. And with that, the heavy lifting is already finished. You now can manipulate any virtual memory of that specific process with WriteProcessMemory and ReadProcessMemory